
site created july 23, 2024
march 28, 2025
just washed my face and i feel so clear and right, i caught two stray eyelashes and wished my relationship with my boyfriend and my friendship will all work out in the end, and that i wouldn't worry about it any more. i can feel the effects already! i sucked on this chamoy lolipop i had in my pocket until there was no more powder while listening to slipnot, i think im gonna visit the wellness center and see what happens. hopefully i can let more out there. byebye, i love you :)
march 20, 2025
SPRING IS HERE!!!!! F THAT GROUNDHOG FOR GIVING US AN EXTRA 6 WEEKS OF WINTER!!!! but now im complaining about how bright it is in the morning so i guess im never happy about anything out of my control, at least there's popsicles and regular show waiting for me in.. you guessed it, dogust's own summer! XD
march 18, 2025
i know i know i should be locking into my assignments but this is urgent. i can't talk to anyone about this because i put all this work into ranting about how badly this guy treated me but i miss him. i saw my exfriend at tutoring and i felt more loss than ever. i gave him this apology note on the spot, i didn't wanna cry but i felt on the verge of, or i felt gay looking at him and missing him.
march 18, 2025
there are two days until the first day of spring guys its gonna get HOTTER!! this means i have to change my site to dogust's own spring!! :c and you know spring for sure isnt mine
march 13, 2025 (cont.)
im sitting in the dressing room waiting for rare condition to finish their part. im wearing eulesses' shirt because hes wearing mine. both shirts are too tight on me... this girl already gave me a look because YOU CAN SEE THEM LE SIGH!!!!!! i feel odd because my friend and i both dont like him one bit but in drama yu have to act like you never had beef with your classmates if you want a good grade. you need to cooperate. this shirt smells him. o_o
march 13, 2025
i let myself be mean today, when a guy asked if i knew this voice teacher i knew that he was bald so i yelled out "BALD!!!!" rather impulsively. my friend that was with me found it funny but he also told me it was fucked to say that. I want to own up and tell jeff who wasnt even there that i'm sorry but i also feel like they'lll make me shave my head. idk are bald people a minority? do bald people experience systematic discrimination? am i taking the joke of hating bald people too far? i'm feeling guilty and constantly bossed around. someday im gonna cuss out my director but the play ends tomorrow so it wont be happenning
march 3, 2025
diary im so sorry for coming here in a bad mood but i really have something to be mad about. well, i don tthink i should be getting too mad because most women in these stupid ass debates have to deal with shit like this daily. in this book we were reading about south africa and how they have a patriarchal society. "does anyone here think we have a patriarchal society in the US?" I raise my hand and say that we do but we have a better job at hiding it and immediatly i hear this guy say "shut up woman." this reddit ass insult. I confront him and asked him what he told me and he goes "oh no i said you make a good point" i know his ass is lying but i tell him im sorry for jumping to conclusions and i saw him whisper something under his breath. le sighhh i felt awful that whole day.
february 20, 2025
sorry diary i was supposed to post on valentines day but i forgot it wont happen again, thinking about how if i told my summer self that i would have a boyfriend who loves me more than i could ever imagine in a month from now in a way i wouldn't expect my face would light up and feel clarity. listening to gag on it by kim petras right now, remembering spring is coming soon and i think i will have a liking to it
february 4, 2025
i dont care how corny or how manipulative alex g fans get im still listening to trick :p i feel sweeter and more like a puppyboy so how is it my fault that other alex g fans are evil online?
february 3, 2025
when i hear my friends have a dislike for certain foods, i feel a bit uneasy about them. i know i shouldnt take other people's preferences too seriously and i should chew on some carne asada to keep my mouth from saying something my brain isnt ready to handle but what do you mean you dont like beans. O.O as a kid i hated beans too but im mexican so my dad kept feeding me beans for almost every meal so i eventually got to like beans. so what do you mean you dont like beans?? get used to them too please
anyways i think i should be walking out and protesting instead of arguing about other people's interests byebye
january 31, 2025
army is presenting themselves in my class, need to make it clear how much i dont like this
january 22, 2025
TODAY WOWOWOWO WOWW!!!! let me tell you. my throat stopped swelling but i got awful chest pains, got stressed, got accused of sending nudes according to my mom but all she found on my phone was yaoi and grocery outlet $3 hauls. she didn't check insta thank God probabally because she last checked my instagram when i was 12 and she saw mostly big tiddie anime women and didn't wanna see any more of that. im crying thinking of a certain somembody and a certain song, and I Love You.
january 21, 2025
good morning :3 i had this new drink i call the annoying bisexual and i think i added too much annoying because my neck is swelling and numbing and its hard to breathe. too bad it isnt someone else gripping my neck hahahaha
january 17, 2025
im soooo tired brah dean i love you but im not gonna respond this milisecond and you shouldnt worry about me im just sick of this other guy's shenanigans
january 15, 2025
tiktok is gonna be banned in the us soon yada yada yada but what's more important MUSICALLY IS COMING BACK I GET TO BE A CRINGE SILLY GUY AGAIN 2025 is my year for eel WOOOOO!!!!!!!
january 9, 2025
i know that people who say cringe culture is dead mean well but i hate to say that it is a flat out lie. if you check instagram reels cringe comps are thriving and all the comments are making fun of some kid doing what they like and there isnt anything wrong with what theyre doing its just "weird," or theyre ugly so therefore they deserve a punishment worse than death. i cant even bring up any fandom that i like without someone thinking im a basement dwelling creep who thinks theyre an animal or something! i even showed my one friend this website and he kept going "i dont get whats so cool about a website" and when i explained and showed him the code that goes into it he said "oh my god august youre so old." i finally asked him wtf he does for fun because he never tells me what he likes and he said "i dunno.... i listen to tyler and bully kids online" THIS MAN IS CRITICIZING ME FOR HAVING A HOBBY BECAUSE HE DOESNT DO ANYTHING PRODUCTIVE WITH HIS LIFE!!!! i told him to at leasat try drawing because he keeps saying hes bad at it and i guided him through drawing a seal and he went "oh my god this is boring as fuck" HE CANT DO ANYTHING
january 3, 2025
HAPPY NEW YURI GUYS!!! hopefully u guys got jolly and got lots of presents, im sitting in the library right now because I dont have a laptop and i still havent decided on one yet
december 15, 2024
december 2, 2024
this store and its logo were so cute this closing was my 911... bring her back.
december 2, 2024
i want my room ceiling to look like the cloudy twilight sky of twilight town, like i should paint it if i have time on break, i just gotta cram a little more for finals
december 2, 2024
whats up gang i hope u had a good thanksgiving break bc i did. i didnt get to check out all of jojos part 2 but i did get some yaoi from the library xD
i need to get a job and a sideshow
november 20, 2024
im so excited to be my own best boy!!! im gonna be sweet and smiling and im a boy who's sweet and comfy and loves his boyfrinend and im sooooo happy to be loved and missed and people care about meeeeeee.... kisses 4 all of you
november 18, 2024
IM SO SICK!!!!! my nose hurts and my sinuses r going crazy but ughhh im not sick enough to stay home. im not gonna be able to avoid the play & i want to take a hot shower so bad @_@
november 15, 2024
girl told me yesterday to stop using discord and i got mad bc she thinks that disc is just for edaters and freaks bro. i just like that disc doesnt distract you like instagram does, its jsut a messaging app and imessaging & whatsapp sucks TWITTER USERS BEEFING WITH DISCORD USERS, COLESLAW VS POTATO SALAD!!!!!
november 14, 2024
i need to relax ive been stressing for far too long im just sitting in graphic design typijng away. i love you.
november 12, 2024
guys its almost sprite cranberry season... champurrado and tamale season is approaching im so hype i need to find my hats... im going to be sleeping in my tiger blanket byebye
november 7, 2024
my head has been spinning ive been very staticy lately. hopefull i will get over it, i really want to spend all of fall break reasing part 2 on a car/train ride. when i do that i will be saved
november 6, 2024
guys the election happened... trump won :[ we're so cooked OUR COUNTRY IS GONNA GET STUPID!!!!!! we were able to survive him in 2016 because we had hit the quan & whip nae nae, hopefully we can distract ourselves with hawk tuah but man...
november 5, 2024
GUYS DAYLIGHT SAVINGS HAPPENED!!!! ITS NOVEMBER!!!! ITS GETTING COLDER FINALLY HOW I LOVE YOU FALL!!!!!! ive felt so much happier and ive been waking up earlier and sleeping better, i think that the transition from summer to fall is my favorite time of the year :)
all i need is my boy, mangangelo, and a tall glass of thai tea [fire emoji]
november 1, 2024
thinking about puppies are scared of other puppies [puppy emoji] I think Alex g makes music for dog people, dog boys
I like the tension thats created when two people say they hate each other, or when Im on the receiving end of hatred, but I love and love and love. there is one person whom I really dont really like, hes been an awful person towards pretty much everyone hes around yet I feel incredibly bad when I warn new people to stay away from him because I do it right in front of him. im romantic
october 25, 2024
been writing a modernity manifesto on a library recipt, i hope all modern cellphones explode so we can focus on our personal endevours without worrying about the instant reactions we recieve from strangers. i want to release my thoughts but not have that instant feeling. yes this website is on a public network but i'm pretty much the only person who checks it dailybecaue that guestboook is EMPTY!!! to whoever else may view this allow this to to be a small sliver of my manifesto. -august
october 22, 2024
been watching more gravity falls and i need to repost stanford more oughhh hes sor fine i love nerds who are so passionate about the things they love, my bf told me that i'm like those guys but i really want to just admire them :3
october 18, 2024
john & dean broke up, i got the third fish of the north star book, i started my period, i painted a pumpkin in the library and it finally feels like fall how are we doing gang
october 17, 2024
FAWWWKKKKK i didnt complete the three assignments that were due on monday and i didnt finish those 3 more yesterday how could i be so stupid. x(
I also drew kenshiro :p
october 15, 2024
they did it... instagram took down @nerdsrhot158. MY NERD ACCOUNT THAT I STARTED WHEN I WAS 14 WHERE I MADE SO MANY FRIENDS AND MEMORIES IS GONE FOREVER!! i made a new account obvi but now I cant make an alt without insta taking it down the MILISECOND i get comfortable. there are dudes posting shaft and hole on the gram and you're more concerned about my sfw yaoiposting, es em aych.
october 10, 2024
anyways uhh nobody buy that votg mug on ebay it's mine when i get my next paycheck (allowance)
october 9, 2024
idk if u wanna watch dan da dan, it sounded interesting and the theme was alright but i go on twitter and this account put the caption 'they didn't need ot go so hard with this animation' over an out of context r@pe scene and everyone in the replies is confused but op is all "hehe" AS IF THIS IS SOMETHING TO JOKE ABOUT! i don't want to put any negativity onto my haven site but man... i dont wanna watch that anime or use twitter for a bit
october 4, 2024
thinking about my dreams & what they could mean
october 3, 2024
happy national boyfriends day to mi novio who i am in yaois with hehe ^^ we are yamcha & tien and laios & kabru
september 30, 2024
I woke up with the worst headache and got caught sleeping in first period, everything felt better after imogen heap -W-
september 26, 2024
i need 2 use the word carnally more, "i need that man, carnally" definition: in or of the flesh; bodily; material or worldly, not spiritual.
september 25, 2024
this song is so gooooodddd im bucking my hips n shet @_@
september 24, 2024
i've been sooo tired as of lately and i went 2 bed earlier...
september 23, 2024
i no longer feel pressured to commit to my religion, yet I will continue to be a part of the Bahai Faith, im at bliss with myself. Im listening to iMogen Heap, and i don't feel manic or cuckoo anymore. also it's autumn!! it has gotten foggy and chilly it is beautiful :3 imogen heap 4 evr, i wasn't required 2 participate today in theatre so i walked out to the Stay only to find out it was closed every day except for saturday until 2pm... and so was the thrift store sob sob
september 18, 2024
hes literally me.... i should make a kinlist shrine
september 17, 2024
i've been really sluggish this morning, last night i felt more sad than usual so i sleepy messaged mi novio and started crying at the thought that i spent most of my evening on a call with chris lagging out on a yu gi oh episode instead of keeping my mom company, and my mom heard me and confortedme for the first honest time in a while. i had a glass of milk and told her how i felt like i'm probably lacking a vitamin or something, she said that my hormones r probably inbalanced. if so testeosterone better win i need a beard pronto.
september 16, 2024
my friend is gonna have no fucking idea what hit him
september 15
today was just as awesome as yesterday
september 14, 2024
birthday event.... but it was 4 weeks after my actual birthday hehehe. i had sm fun even if i was crazy anxious that my parents wouldn't approve of my friends but nobody had a problem with anybody! we went from shop to shop and it just happened 2 b vtuber day so it was a tad bit crowded but we managed to do our thing. we sat down at mr ramen and enjoyed our food as we had our own conversations and divided a 1.5 ltr calpico amongst us equally :9 john wouldnt stop saying yummers I HATE YOU HOMOLANDER!!! we opened a bunch of these toys and prizes after we ate, john got that evil baby from yu yu and i got avdol tongue emoji... when we crossed the street around like 8:30 johns COUSIN was at little tokyo as well with her friends and i told them they 8 as they were posing in front of this wall hehe. john started having withdrawls and fed his korean corn dog addiction but his food looked rlly good too so i cant blame him x9
september 13, 2024
happy friday the 13th!!! i think about this tweet of someone explaining the ending to the first kh game as the villan proving that a heart's true nature is to be evil and sora being a 14 year old nuh-uhs him so hard he explodes. and i think about how i used to bounce back like that but with pure joy in my heart, i hope i can do that again :o)
september 12, 2024
ooh boy what a dream I had, i woke up to carnel's text and smiled at my phone before going back to sleep. I hope I get a good grade for my doc martens project bc I only made one logo...
plans i have for this year: UPDATED ON WHETHER I HAVE DONE THEM YET
rewatch tangled on dvd after never touching it since i was 8, make at least 3 jojos ocs after souxsie soix smooth operator and tainted love, burn that bridge when i get to it, feel better about myself when im vulnurable, learn 2 jacko pose, FINISH JOSUKE COSPLAY!! go to thrift stores and pick out more colors, i hope i find more variety of older brother fits there's more color but my heart stays the same, i've been weariing the same 5 black tshirts for the past 3 years... NEED 2 THRIFT
september 10, 2024
After reading through all of these senior letters from people that graduated already, I noticed most of these people had several typos and poor sentence structure in general. Did they even learn anything in highschool? But apart from that, they had a pattern of saying "Enjoy your high school years!" and "Live life to the fullest!" and "Do your work to get into college!" A lot of these bits of advice they were giving felt very run of the mill, like they were copying each other or they weren't putting their actual experiences into these letters, or if they even had any high school experience at all! Nothing really stood out to me besides one person who actually knew what she was doing and was giving advice that sounded like she actually meant it from the heart, instead of 'make the most of this year.' I extremely dislike hearing people say "There's not much time for you to be a teenager so enjoy it!" because you're adding more pressure as if their joy and youth is sand falling through an hourglass onto teenagers who are trying to fit in with their peers and pass all their classes and gain approval from their parents! Life doesn't end after high school and you don't shrivel up and die when you turn 30, you will most likely have more fun in your later years in life because you will have more money, more knowledge about the world around you and more freedom to be yourself. I have so much hope for future August, and I know I'm going to be a hot old man when I'm 54.
late at night
yk you slept well when everything you watch feels saturated and sends you in a dreamy haze, is there a word for something that feels like you shouldnt be experiencing it while you're concious?
september 9, 2024
THE POWER WENT OUT!!!!! i swear this heat is too much it started making me feel frustrated and then enraged and then depressed in the span of 25 minutes, i wonder if that's just an effect of being a teenager. anywho health class just ended, im gonna walk over to ralphs, get an arizona, and charge my phone at the library. see u soon B3
september 6, 2024
im so hype for halloween my grandpa bought all this lovely fabric for making that josuke costume... maybe ill use it to go to the con in november with chris, but it better start getting cold NOW!!! california has the hottest heat wave rn its absurd
september 2, 2024
i couldve sworn i had a dream where i looked back at my table and i had a solitare game going on and my notebook was open to the side of it, and right now im at my grandparents house, i look back at my table from breakfast and i have the solitare game and notebook set up exactly how my dream went! and i couldve sworn i had written it down in my dream diary!! im going mad i tell you i have too much deja vus…
august 30, 2024 9:33 am
I SAW THE TRAILER, IT JUST DROPPED, STRIVE IS FINALLY ON SWITCH or well, its releasing january 23 2025 BUT STILL GET HYPE GET NAKED!!!!! cannot wait to beg my parents for money and pray for this for christmas or something special in january... IM GONNA BE TOUCHING UP ANJI AND NAGORIYUKI AND SOL AND- [the sexual comments continue on]
august 29, 2024
i just listened to a new jeans song i think im gay
august 28, 2024
im so hype man i rlly wanna add a tanigaki shrine bc look at himmmm..... (i only said hype like that bc it sounds manly i cant WAIT to grow a beard brahh)
august 27, 2024
i watched the worthikids interview and found out damn.... my favs steal a LOT!!! like i see something rlly cool and i assume its original and the creator says cesare's design was based off this guy from an old movie and he looks EXACTLY like the guy!!! so how am i to know the line between inspiration and theft?
august 26, 2024
when i go to the club i wanna hear those club classics slash j i had an amazing dream last night BUT I FORGOT IT
august 25, 2024
its so hot every day... i cannot wait for it to start getting chilly and for it to actually feel like fall because you cannot start selling pumpkin spice drinks when it's still 90 degrees out. -_- oh i also found a whole bunch of owl city hate stamps from 2010
august 24, 2024
i had a dream that i met an entire vintage convertible of evangelion cosplayers and they were so friendly and i said "God bless everybody in this car" and the whole day outside of the dream went by very fast, im gonna brush my teeth and go to bed, love you :>
august 22, 2024
im depecheing my mode right now (my graphic design teacher is playing never let me down by depeche mode) who up letting it linger...~ ;3 (guess what song is playing now)
august 21, 2024
It's my birthday!!! its also Faust's birthday and the birthday of my favorite buff sweaty homerotic military anime Golden Kamuy and konata's otaku dad's birthday and the main guy from system of a down's birthday... i am 413 this day goes down in all history i am the man to end all worlds i wanna look all rough with a 5 oclock shadow staring into the distance with a black cup of coffee when i say that ^__^ and two days ago it was josuke's birthday 4got to post about it SORRY i shoulda baked a cake but im gonna get an arizona when school ends bros i got $1.25 in my pocket i prepared for tax im gonna walk in sweaty and thirsty and walk out quenched and refreshed thinking about some guy at the back of the store- AHEM im glad you're having a good day as well :) I went to golden corral because it's also my abuela's birthday today and she chose where we go eat and I got more food than I normally do, "these ribs taste like the air outside my house!!" There was this rectangle heavy gift box that I thought was gonna be a ps5 but it turned out to b a sewing machine. O_O My tia and I were looking at fursuits on pinterest and I felt so relaxed because she kept going "aaaaaaaahhh!!! how cyuuutttteeeee!!" to eat one and i know now that i can be silly and make costumes around her, she was joking about wanting the Jolibee mascot to show up for her birthday party and I told her I could do it for her with my brand new sewing machine!! :3
august 14, 2024
hola im in 3rd period rn neocities is unblocked >>:]
august 13, 2024
today is the last day of summer, it will all be over very soon but i feel good knowing that im going to make everyone know im annoying again. i also started this summer very wonderfully with buying boys run the riot at barnes & noble & going to trader joes, and it ended with me going to trader joes
august 12, 2024
theo doesn't wanna b friends with me
august 9, 2024
school is gonna start on wednesday y tengo miedito, my brother is gonna b a freshman and i'm gonna have to make sure he doesn't get into trouble, i made school my cute little oasis where i could run away from my family's control of me so i hope he doesn't drag me into whatever he starts...
august 8, 2024
august 7, 2024
i went to get my school photos taken today! i waited in this long line stretching outside of the cafeteria for over two hours, and their machines broke so we couldn't immediatley get out ids!! i gave up my place in line to some other people before my friends showed up but we cut right after one of us said "everybody's doing it!" so i guess i wasn't very respectful and wise today. theo seems to bring out the best & worst in me, he's done good and bad for me, yet my mom won't let me invite him to my birthday party :c. oh well, anyway my mom wanted to go to the waterpark one last time before summer ends, we went with one of my brother's friends and everybody pulled me into the water even when i refused not to and i hate getting forced to endure somethign extreme all at once instead of slowly getting used to it. i dont care how much it builds character i have WAY TOO MUCH CHARACTER TO FIT INSIDE MY BODY. when i used the kempo practice to keep my center of gravity below me my mom got everyone to pull me into this water overhead thing, and i skinned both my knee and my ankle. they were bleeding out and wet but my mom insisted that i get into the dirty pool water that hundreds of kids have swam in because chlorine seems to kill every single kind of infection causing bug and she didn't want to waste the money she spent inviting me into the waterpark. i had a bad experience that i fought my hardest to win but it turned out as good as the situation could get without causing a scene.
oh yeah and i showed way too many people my website because this is the only thing i seem to work on now.
august 5, 2024
dude i think i might be polyamorous. it makes me want to throw up but i genuinely might be polyamorous i just love people so much and i never liked the idea of sticking to one person forever that scared me so bad i hate controlling relationships. and ive also never understood getting jealous if my partner would cheat on me or find another partner on the side. what matters to me is what makes my partner happy. I WANT TO SEE MY PARTNER BEING HAPPY EVEN IF THEY ARE NOT 100% STUCK TO ME!!!! i never understood why being a quote en quote cuckhold was so bad but saying that out loud makes me feel like im going to get into a lot of trouble. is it so wrong if everybody consents? no i dont want an excuse to cheat no i dont want to be unloyal because if i have multiple partners i will love them all to the highest i possibly can!!! you dont understand i dont have a fetish to be fucked by multiple people i want to romantically spend time with people and be sweet to them because no singular person could treat me exactly to my wishes, and i do not mind at all if my partners have other partners besides me because i know that i cant cater to all of their wishes either! maybe i am poly, but i shouldnt worry too much about this if im not with anybody in the first place. i think ill be content with being single for some time.
august 4, 2024
my dad called over my mom to look at this, "the taste of fish is the taste of love babe"
july 27, 2024
how long does something have to exist on the internet for it to receive a whole different meaning from its original? ive seen this image from a filthy frank video in 2018 and i cant imagine it being weird or embarrassing ever. this is hard asf i wanna dress as sasuke and pose with the hooters waitresses >_O

july 26, 2024
one of my favorite things to make at home is really concentrated coffee by adding two teaspoons of instant coffee, one teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of water in a plastic bottle, i then shake it up until it fully dizzolves and forms a foam. i pour this over a cup of ice with a ton of milk.
this drink looks girly as hell but it's strong, like me.
july 25, 2024
im doing really well today, i made cabbage pan for breakfast for my mom and I & we rlly liked it. :P We're going to go to the museum today I miss air-conditioning :c I'm gonna go make coffee and I hope you're having a lovely day as well :)
I went to the museum it was awesome they had a full exibit dedicated to keith haring, i visited my youth group's animators and we prayed & talked about charli xcx as we took a walk to go see this view with a beautiful sunset. i also noticed these two edgars, or i thought they were edgars at first lying on the grass cuddling up together and kissing and being all affectionate as they watched the sunset. seeing these teenage boys be so happy together almost brought me to tears. If these two guys my age living in long beach can experience teenage love possibly for the first time then so can i. I saw one of them leap for joy in a 'yahoo!' kind of manner after they parted and man, i hope they live happily bro.
july 24, 2024
im thinking of how we shouldn't worry about the future because it is always bound to happen, and what may seem to be far away is always going to come round and happen even if you think it wont, and we shouldn't worry about the past because we are wasting our presious time in the present about something that already happened. i say these things to prevent me from worrying because your life gets so much better again when you stop caring. cmon, lets go get root beer floats & style that wig on a discord call :,)
u cant see wuts below me >:]
sigh... i wanna wear a collar and eat reeses puffs out of a metal dog bowl and then a guy ruffles my hair & calls me a good boy...
july 24, 2024
july is almost over, i feel like i want to go somewhere where i can sip an icee or eat sea salt popsicles on the side of a clocktower. I hope that my friends want to hang out with me soon. rin and john aren't watching this but if they are u guys wanna go to an arcade? :p
july 23, 2023
Some of y'all bout to be real mad at me, but it must be said. Some of y'all is fat and ugly and unattractive but that is okay. Just be who you are, but you got to stop blaming Twitter, black men and society for all of your problems. Some of y'all going to tell me well my wig fucked up. That's okay 'cause I can go get a 1000 dollar one right now and put that shit right back on. Some of y'all are going to say well I am ugly as fuck. That's okay 'cause a bitch living lavish. My boyfriend a pro athlete. He play baseball and I am happy and you not. You see what the problem is? Is perspective. I'm happy and you on Twitter complaining about why you not getting trolls. Get your life together.